We emphasise to our children the importance of a healthy, balanced diet. It is important to us that our school meals are freshly prepared on site in the school kitchen. Every day, the children are offered a choice of at least two main courses and three sweets and there is always an option of salad and fresh fruit. Meat will be replaced by fish and vegetable dishes on Fridays in accordance with our faith. We expect our children to show good manners and behave well during the meal. Children sit on mixed class tables of six; this gives them the opportunity to develop their social skills and also to make new friends. Midday supervisors and teaching assistants care for the children both in the dinner hall and the outside play areas.
Please let us know if your child has a special diet or, for medical reasons, such as an allergy, cannot eat or drink specific foods.
To inform the catering team at the London borough of Barnet, children are required to remain on school dinners for at least half a term. Please could you inform the school office two weeks before the start of a holiday if your child would like to change from school dinners to packed lunches or vice versa.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with Free School Meals. For Parents whose children are in the Juniors (KS2), please use the schools School Money portal to pay for lunches online. School Money
Dinners cost £2.34 a day, £11.70 per week.
Free School Meals
You are eligible to claim free school meals if you are in receipt of any of the following:
- Income support
- Income based job seekers allowance
- Asylum seekers allowance
- Child tax credit only and have an annual income of less than £13,910 or the guaranteed element of state pension credit
If you would like to apply for free school meals, please call at the school office to collect an application form. All children receive their meal in the same way regardless of payment method. All claims will be treated in confidence.
Packed Lunches
You may prefer for your child to have a packed lunch rather than a school dinner. Children who choose this option will receive the same seating and supervisory arrangements.
Please may we remind you that packed lunches should be healthy and balanced with a variety of food items. In accordance with the school food standards (See below) policy, sweets and chocolate are not allowed, nor are glass bottles, cans and fizzy drinks. Children should have a carton of juice, a plastic flask or a sealed beaker for their drink.
Please be vigilant with any foods or drinks that contain any form of nut. We are a nut free school and any items containing nuts are not allowed to be consumed at school.