PE & Sports Curriculum
Click on the image below to enlarge.
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Cricket
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Athletics
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Tennis (1)
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Hockey (1)
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Football
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions KS2 – Netball (2)
NSA Outdoor Skill Progressions – all KS1 units (2)
Y4 and 5 Swimming
This Autumn term and part of the National Curriculum for P.E Year 4 and 5 have taking part in some brilliant swimming lessons. The children have been learning how to perform different strokes competently and the importance of staying safe in the water.