It is extremely important that we keep our children safe and secure at all times. In order to do this we have a variety of systems in place in which we ask parents to support and fully adhere to at all times.
- A secure entry system with intercom.
- CCTV cameras are placed around the school site.
- On-site parking is restricted to school staff only.
- The main car park gate is closed between 8.30am – 4.30pm so that cars cannot enter the site.
- A member of the SLT stands at the side gate entrance every morning.
- All staff and governors are issued with photo identity lanyards.
- Adults authorised to visit the school site are required to sign in and out and wear visitor’s passes at all times.
- All adults working regularly with children will be subject to DBS check.
- Adults who occasionally help at school will never be left with children by themselves.
- Supply teachers and other adults working with children must read and agree to the Safeguarding Visitors Compliancy Card on entry to the school.
- Extra- curricular clubs must provide the school with qualification certification and DBS.
- All staff and governors receive safeguarding training at least every three years.
- Staff, governors, parents and children sign an Acceptable Use Agreement.
- Miss Costa is the Designated Senior Safeguarding Lead.
- Mr Troy and Mrs Folan are the Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads.
- Jane Goring is the Designated Safeguarding Governor.
- Miss Costa is the school’s Online Safety Teacher.
All schools have a duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation by promoting fundamental British Values and by enabling children to challenge extremist views in a safe and secure environment.
As a school community we are mindful of our responsibility to promote and actively seek the inclusion of all members of society.
All staff at St Theresa’s have completed the Prevent Training which aims to ensure that early warning signs are picked up and acted upon.
The school’s safeguarding polices can be found in the School > Policies section of our website and on request at the school office.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 – Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023