
Morning Routine

The school side gate entrance is open at 8.30am in the morning to allow children and parents into the playground before the school day starts. A member of the Senior Leadership Team stands at the gate every morning to welcome pupils and monitor entry to the playground. Parents and carers  can drop their children off at the gate or accompany them into the playground as they wish. The playground will be supervised by another senior member of staff.

At 8.40am children make their way into their classrooms. We kindly ask that parents and carers leave the school site at this point. It is fundamental that the children build their own independence and organise their own morning routine. It is also important that the children have a calm and structured start to the day with full teacher engagement. Parents should not enter classrooms and only meet with teachers if a prior arrangement has been made.

At 8.50am the main school gate will be closed and the side school gate will be locked. All parents need to have left the site before this point. Late children, parents and visitors must then enter the school via the main secure entrance – even if the school gate is open for parents who are leaving, if you are late, please enter through the main secure entrance.

Evening Routine

The main school gate will open at 3.15pm and the school side gate entrance will be opened at 3.30pm to allow adults to collect their children. It will be locked 15 minutes later at 3.45pm. We kindly ask that parents and carers  and their children leave the school site at this point.

Children are handed over to parents and carers by a member of staff. Any children who are not collected will wait in the hall and be supervised by a member of staff. The School Office will be notified and will contact the child’s parent or carer. Please enter through the main secure entrance to collect your child after 3.45pm as the side gate will be locked.

After-school clubs take place every night at St. Theresa’s and the school site must be safe and secure. Parents and carers collecting their children after a club are asked to return to school at the appropriate time and collect their child from the main entrance where their child will be dismissed by the adult running the activity.