Please look at the wonderful events from this years Science Week:
All year groups took part in some fascinating experiments and learnt about a variety of different scientists throughout the week to celebrate Science Week. Year 5 took part in a experiment were they were predicting which liquids would be acid or alkali by looking at their ingredients and using their knowledge on PH Scale.
Year 3 were focusing their scientific enquiries skills looking at the how to construct a bridge that would support maximum weight after looking at various London bridges during a recent school trip. The children have been looking at different forces and came up with some fantastic designs. The main skill they took away from their experiments was the skill of evaluating their projects to see what they could do better if they had the opportunity to try the task again.Year 1 combined their topic of ‘Splendid Skies’ and Science by creating a storm in a glass to learn more about precipitation. The children filled the glass 1/2 full with water, sprayed some shaving cream on top of the water to fill the glass to ¾ full. They then use their finger to spread the shaving cream evenly over the top of the water. Carefully they mixed ½-cup water with 10 drops of food colouring in a separate container, gently added
the coloured water, spoonful by spoonful, to the top of the shaving cream. When it got too heavy, a storm appeared! Year 1 were focusing their lesson on the observation skills and explaining to their talk partners what they could see!
Year 4 have been experimenting with making active volcanoes to go alongside their ‘Misty Mountains’ Topic. The children were focusing on ensuring their experiment was a fair test and ensuring they only changed one variable to see if results differed. They experimented to see if they reduced or added certain materials from their experiment would it affect the resulting eruption?!
In Year 6 the children were given the opportunity to become scientists and given complete power in planning a experiment using all the skills required to answer the question which substance was the most dense? The children planned experiments, made informed based hypothesis before carrying out fair tests and recording their results to lead their groups making evidence informed conclusions. And finally in EYFS the class have been making daily observations when looking at the class chicks and finding more out about the lifecycle of a chick. The children have been counting the eggs, making guesses about how long it would take to hatch and making observations on how the eggs and chicks have changed over time!