As part of Year 3’s latest topic ‘Urban Pioneers’ Year 3 went to London Southbank to take part in the River Thames River Cruise. Despite the very cold weather we braved the open top boat journey and got to find our some fascinating information on amazing landmarks such as; Big Ben, London Bridge, St Pauls Cathedral and the Tower of London. The class were most fascinated by H.M.S Belfast and we will b doing some more learning about this next week.
After the boat journey we headed on inside to the London Southbank Centre for lunch before getting to run around the playground next to the London Eye which was great fun. To finish off the great day out we then went to visit Leake Street- London’s longest legal graffiti tunnel. The class got to see graffiti artist working in personal before selecting their favourite street art pieces ready to design their own in class over the next few weeks. It was a wonderful trip and the children showed excellent behaviour throughout the day – well done!