Year 5 had an amazing three days together on their Year 5 residential trip at Hindleap Warren. After a short coach journey the children were extremely excited to get to their rooms, make their beds and get straight into their activities! To start with the children went on a forest walk where we got to play hide and seek, search for dropbears and finally go on a rather wet and muddy hike through the Hindleap Warren Streams!
At the end of the hike the class got the opportunity to do some rather big puddle jumps, see for yourself! Once showered and clean the children sat down to dinner where we all talked about the great fun we had on the first day and what we might expect on day 2!
Day 2 brought the challenge of the giant seesaw course, orienteering and team work games. It was great that we all got the opportunity to work with people that we might not usually work with in class. The children also got to showcase their excellent geography skills in the orienteering challenge.
We spent the evening with a session in the swimming pool before going off to a visit to the tuck shop (a highlight for many). On Friday, clearly exhausted from all the activities, the group had a real go at working together to make shelters in the woods. The perfect place to have a sit down and a well deserved rest.
Hindleap 2022 was a wonderful experience and we are sure will be a lasting memory for all who went!