As part of their topic ‘Off with her Head!’ Year 5 got the opportunity to visit the Charthouse Museum in Barbican. The class got to have a wonderful tour and find out much about the rich history of the Charterhouse. On the tour we found out has it was used as a plague pit, a monastery and a school. The children were then brought into the grand chamber. The Great Chamber has witnessed many grand royal occasions and was the backdrop to decades of Tudor entertaining, plotting and intrigue. It is the only Tudor great chamber to survive in London, albeit in a restored form, and remains a jewel in the crown of our historic site.
The children then got to take part in a workshop where they handled Tudor artefacts and had to reason and predict where in the Charterhouse they may have been used. It was a great way of comparing life in Tudor times to modern life. The children really enjoyed the experience and were great ambassadors for the school throughout. Well done!