
Who helps me?

At St Theresa’s there are lots of people to help you with your learning and wellbeing.

  • The first is your teacher. They will plan the lessons, mark your work, set you green pen questions, set and mark home work, make resources and generally make sure you enjoy your time at school. If you have any problems you can always talk to your teacher.
  • The next person is the teaching assistant. They will assist your learning by making sure you have understood, work with you when you need extra support or to have harder work. They will be out in the playground and in the medical room in case you need help or someone to talk to.
  • Mrs O’Melia is always available for help or discussions. She ensures that the school and the teachers have the resources they need to make sure St Theresa’s is a fantastic learning environment.
  • The SENCo: Mrs Arrowsmith is always available for a chat, for extra help or for someone to listen to you.

You can expect the school to plan and provide excellent learning opportunities and also the chance to try out different sports and activities. School trips and journeys will be added to the curriculum to support the work you do in class and to ensure that you develop other skills such as independence, resilience and perseverance.

How will my voice be heard?

There are a number of ways that your voice can be heard at St Theresa’s. These include :

  • The School Council : They will take your concerns and ideas to the senior leadership team.
  • Your class teacher : any concerns or worries about your learning, friendship issues or personal worries and concerns can be mentioned to your class teacher in confidence. You do not need to worry about anyone finding out private information.
  • Meetings : if you are concerned about anything you can arrange a meeting with a member of the school staff, this could be the Head, The Deputy, The SENCO or any other adult.

If you do have SEN you can be assured that you will be included in meeting to do with you and your learning in a pupil centred interview. Your views on how your learning develops are invaluable.

If you are having an intervention it does not mean that you will always need it. You may need help in a very specific area and may not need any other intervention.

Useful links


What do you think about your learning?

You can let us know by sending us an email office @sttheresas.barnetmail.net or sending us a letter.