Year 6

Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ information for Year 6: Welcome-to-Year-6-September-2023

Here is the Long Term Planning for Year 6 Long term plan Year 6

Here is the Year 6 SATs information from the SATs meeting on Monday 11th September:Year 6 SATs meeting September 2023


Please see the following for the end of year expectations for Year 6:

Year 6 Maths Expected Standard

Year 6 Maths Greater Depth

Year 6 Reading Expected Standard

Year 6 Reading Greater Depth

Year 6 Writing Working at Expected Standard

Year 6 Writing Working at Greater Depth

Here are the maths targets the Year 6 children are looking at completing in their ‘Maths Passports’: Maths Year 6 Targets

Useful Websites for Home Learning

TT Rockstars

Spelling Shed

MC Grammar Songs

Read Theory

Oxford Owl – Free ebooks


Year 6 Learning 

Year 6 Curriculum 

Summer 2

Colours collide, melting together on the canvas: an impression of light, a rage of red, a lobster perched on a telephone. Come and find out about the bizarre and eccentric minds of the gallery rebels. Art can be an act of rebellion. Can you change the world with a paintbrush, a thought, or an idea? Dream the dream, or show us your nightmares. What do you see? Watches melting? Wheels spinning? A shark in a box? Can you express yourself without words? Well, a picture paints a thousand of them.

Gallery Rebels Curriculum Map Summer 2 Year 6

Summer 1 

Are you listening? What is 27 plus 45? Come on, faster now. We haven’t got all day. Find out about super strict schools by travelling back in time to a Victorian classroom. Make sure that you’re on your best behaviour though, as punishments are unquestionably terrible. Discover a time when great minds thought new thoughts and ingenious inventors created so many things that we take for granted today: the electric light bulb, the telephone and the first flushing toilet. Let’s forge ahead to research a time when Victoria was Queen and Albert was Prince Consort, and when some people lived in slums while others prospered. Take on the role of an important reformer and present your good causes to the Queen. Can you gain the support of a wealthy sponsor? Full steam ahead to the Victorian age.

Revolution Curriculum Map Summer 1 Year 6

Spring 2

Welcome to Mexico. Get ready to explore this unique country, from its towering temples and stunning geography to its pulsing rhythms and fun festivals. Is your tummy rumbling? Concoct a traditional fruit cocktail or a delicious Mexican meal. What’s on your shopping list? Go steady with the spices. Discover the mysterious world of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Make their chocolate, learn their poetry, play their ball game and follow all of their curious rituals. Just try to keep your head! 

The Maya Curriculum Map Spring 2 Year 6

Spring 1

This project teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.

RAF Museum Trip 

Britain at War Curriculum Map Spring 1 Year 6


Autumn 2 Darwin’s Delights 

We’re off on an exciting expedition with Charles Darwin and his crew on HMS Beagle. Can you trace his route across the vast ocean? Stop at the magical Galápagos Islands to see the amazing species that helped Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. Do you know what’s so special about a lava lizard, or why the blue-footed booby has blue feet? See how animals adapt to their environments over time and meet some of the world’s greatest explorers and naturalists. Imagine how humans will evolve in millions of years. It’s a scary thought. Ready to trace the origin of species? Let’s set sail. 


Autumn 1: We are Dinosaur Hunters

To start the year, Year 6 tread very carefully on the hunt for dinosaurs as part of their ‘Jurassic Park’ topic. The children write up non chronological reports on existing dinosaurs and some persuasive letters to the head of Jurassic Park in a bid to get their very own dinosaur a place in the park. In maths the children used their knowledge of number to budget and come up with their very own dinosaur safari park. In Geography they are learnt about how all the continents were formed from the super continent Pangea.

Click the link below to see the overview of the topic and see all areas of the curriculum covered. Dinosaur Aut 1 Year 6 2023

The Class also go the opportunity to visit the Natural History Museum and take part in a ‘Dino Dig’ workshop where they became palaentologists for the day! 

Year 6 Residential