Year 4

Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ information for Year 4: Class welcome meeting presentation Year4

Here is the Long term planning for Year 4 Long term plan Year 4

Here is information for the Year 4 Times Table Check Year 4 Multiplication Check Meeting Monday 12th September 2023

Please see the following for the end of year expectations for Year 4:

Year 4 Maths expected standard

Year 4 Maths Greater Depth

Year4 Reading Expected Standards

Year4 Reading at Greater Depth Standard

Year 4 Writing Working at Expected Standard

Year 4 Writing Working at Greater depth

Here are the maths targets the Year 4 children are looking at completing in their ‘Maths Passports’: Maths Year 4 Targets

Useful Websites for Home Learning

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling Shed

MC Grammar Songs

Oxford Owl – Free ebooks

Read Theory


Summer 2

Grab your wetsuit. We’re going deep into an underwater world of incredible coral and mysterious sea creatures. Head to your local aquarium and learn about life in the ocean. Can you pick a favourite fish, plant or animal? What do real divers get up to below the surface? Create a fishy story about exploring an amazing underwater world. Time to go a little deeper into our seas. Make a model deep sea submarine that can withstand great pressure and travel to the deepest, darkest places on Earth. Make sure you test it first. What are those bright lights in the distance? It’s a group of bioluminescent sea creatures. Look closely and create a colourful, 3-D art exhibition when you rise to the surface. Flippers on? Snorkel ready? Let’s head into the Blue Abyss

Year 4 Blue Abyss CM

Summer 1 

Year 4 start the summer term learning all about the vikings in their topic ‘ Traders and Raiders’. Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages? 

Year 4 Traders and Raiders curriculum map

Spring 2 

Mighty mountains peak above the morning mists, imposing and eternal, rocky outcrops at their feet. Discover how these giants are formed, as a fold or a block, a dome or a plateau. Follow the water cycle’s course from peak to valley and meet the exceptional tribes of the hostile Himalayas. Then plan a mountain expedition from the BMC that is eco friendly and as safe as can be. But look out. What’s that by that tree? Its footprints are huge. Have we found the Yeti?

Year 4 mountains curriculum map

Spring 1 

We’re travelling back to 1066, probably the most famous date in English history. These are troubled times and there is danger afoot. A much loved king is dead and a French Duke has staked a claim for our kingdom. Discover a changing England, shaped by shires, protected by castles and ruled by foreign knights. Use the famous Bayeux Tapestry to explore the significant events of 1066. What happened when, and how did William of Normandy come to be called the Conqueror? Design a castle with defences strong enough to hold back the enemy. What about a space for fine dining and revelry? Try and build a happy (but safe) home. You’re the architect. Are you ready for the Norman invasion? Then don your armour and watch your back. 

Year 4 1066 curriculum map Spring 1

Autumn 2

I am Warrior! I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare. Invade and attack. Romans versus Celts, the fight is on. Discover warring Britain: meet Claudius, Boudicca and Julius Caesar and find out what the Romans did for us. Get ready for Gladiator School and learn alongside Spartacus and Spiculus, brave fighters of the Roman Colosseum. When all that battling makes you hungry, relax, lie back and feast yourself on dormice and grapes, or perhaps a roasted swan sprinkled with nuts?

I am Warrior CM Y4

Autumn 1

For the first part of the Autumn term Year 4 are exploring ‘Road Trip USA’. Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off. Click here for full curriculum map Autumn Term 1 Planning Year 4 Map