Year 3

Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ information for Year 3: Class welcome meeting presentation Year3

Here is the Long Term Planning for Year 3 Long term plan Year 3


Please see the following for the end of year expectations for Year 3:

Year 3 Maths expected standard

Year 3 Maths greater depth

Year3 Reading at Expected Standard

Year3 Reading at Greater Depth

Year 3 Writing Working at Expected Standard

Year 3 Writing Working at Greater Depth

Here are the maths targets the Year 3 children are looking at completing in their ‘Maths Passports’: Maths Year 3 Targets

Useful Websites for Home Learning

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling Shed

MC Grammar Songs

Read Theory

Oxford Owl – Free ebooks


Summer 1

From humble beginnings, the river flows down the mountain and into the sea. Pull on your wellies and wade right in. How deep does it go and how fast does it travel? What soil types can you find by the river? Which animals make their homes there? Let’s get down to the river bank and find out. Now hop on an imaginary boat and travel some of the world’s most majestic rivers – the Ganges, the Thames, the Amazon and Nile – and keep a journal as you follow their course. Time to investigate. As part of the local news team, it’s your task to track down the source of some mystery pollution. Where did it come from and who is to blame? Let’s meander through the world of rivers, taking a dip into their watery world.

yr 3 curriculum map – summer 1 – Flow

Spring 2 

Hop on the bus and take a trip downtown where the lights are bright, and every street has a story to tell. Explore with fresh eyes the art of the city, then capture a moment in time – perhaps a reflection on a building or a shadow passing by. Make a map of your home town and find out how things have changed. Has time changed town life for the better? How could you improve the urban environment? Maybe add more colour? More light? More things to do, or perhaps a plaza with a comfortable bench or two?

Yr 3 curriculum map – Spring 2 – Urban Pioneers

Spring 1

From nothingness came chaos; from chaos came air and water; from air and water came life. Then, rising majestically from the darkness, came Gaia, Mother Earth, a beacon of warmth and light. Discover a fantastical world full of mythical creatures and legendary heroes. Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis and Zeus reign almighty from Mount Olympus, watching mere mortals on dusty Athenian streets. Meet Theseus, the hero, and Helen of Troy, the beautiful face that launched a thousand ships. Explore the terrains of Greece, where in pure blue skies, the Sun scorches waxen wings and melts the fortunes of Icarus and Daedalus. Click here for full topic coverage Yr 3 curriculum map – Spring 1 – Gods and Mortals

As part of their History and Geography topic ‘Gods and Mortals’, Year 3 went on an exciting excursion to the British Museum to find out more about Ancient Greece. 

The children were greeted with Samsung Tablets and explored the Parthenon gallery, using augmented reality technology to develop historical inquiry skills and engage with the past in exciting and innovative ways.  

The children learnt about ancient Greek religion and how the Parthenon’s architecture celebrated Athena’s greatness and communicated the power of Athens. 

After Lunch the class then got the opportunity to take part in a Ancient Greece workshop where they looked at artefacts and secondary sources to learn more about different characters in Greek Myths. The museum staff were so impressed with the amount of knowledge the children already had and told our staff they were equally impressed with how well they represented the school. Well done! 

Autumn 2 

Tuck in and enjoy a yummy journey of discovery, tasting fantastic fruits, venerable vegetables and tantalizing treats. Work up an appetite with delicious stories about food, have fun with a vegetable orchestra or become a fruity sculptor. Find exciting recipes to read – and write your own, too. Then get busy in the kitchen, making tasty dishes from across the world and discover how good food helps you grow fit and strong. Be a whizz and create your own scrumdiddlyumptious smoothie for Squeezy Joe and his team of fruity friends. And here’s food for thought – if you are what you eat, what does that make you? 



Autumn 2 curriculum map 2023 – Scrumdiddly (1)

Autumn 1

Take a moment to step outside and stand quietly and still. Turn off all your technology and try to forget the modern world. Imagine this place 5000 years ago. What would you have seen? Head back to prehistoric times to gather berries and hunt down dinner. Unearth ancient objects and visit astonishing mystical monuments that reveal the secrets of an ancient time. Learn how the people of Britain developed over thousands of years, from the Stone Age to the Roman invasion. Work as a tribe to build a seasonal monument to celebrate the coming of spring. Then sit quietly and reflect, waiting for the sunrise. What tribal tales will you have to tell?

Tribal Tales curriculum map 2024